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  • Only one paper may be contributed by each participant.
  • The paper can be presented exclusively by the author and/or co-author. The length of the presentation should be twenty minutes.
  • Papers will be reviewed and selected according to their topicality, theme, etc.
  • A conference participation certificate will be given to those participants, who will present their contribution. According to the Rules Amending the Rules on the Title Promotion of the Employees in the Education, an independent contribution at an international conference with the participation of at least one third of active participants from abroad, is evaluated with four points.
  • Submitted papers must be proofread.
  • All papers will be published in full in the conference proceedings.
  • If submitting pictorial material featuring minors, please make sure to make the necessary arrangements (regarding the permission to publish) with the parents or legal guardians in accordance with the law.
  • The conference may be photographed and videorecorded and uploaded online. Photos and video recordings may be published publicly. By registering, the participant confirms that he is aware of the possibility of photographing and recording, uploading content to the internet and public publication of material under these conditions.
  • In order to ensure all the conditions, set by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport are met, we will record the entire meeting and keep all the documentation for five years, ensuring the protection of personal data.